A `const fn` implementation of the crc32 checksum algorithm.
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//! A `const fn` crc32 checksum implementation.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! const BYTES: &[u8] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".as_bytes();
//! const CKSUM: u32 = const_crc32::crc32(BYTES);
//! assert_eq!(CKSUM, 0x414fa339_u32);
//! ```
/// used to generate up a [u32; 256] lookup table in `crc32`. this computes
/// the table on demand for a given "index" `i`
const fn table_fn(i: u32) -> u32 {
let mut out = i;
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
out = if out & 1 == 1 { 0xedb88320 ^ (out >> 1) } else { out >> 1 };
const fn get_table() -> [u32; 256] {
let mut table: [u32; 256] = [0u32; 256];
let mut i = 0;
while i < 256 {
table[i] = table_fn(i as u32);
i += 1;
const TABLE: [u32; 256] = get_table();
/// A `const fn` crc32 checksum implementation.
/// Note: this is a naive implementation that should be expected to have poor performance
/// if used on dynamic data at runtime. Usage should generally be restricted to declaring
/// `const` variables based on `static` or `const` data available at build time.
pub const fn crc32(buf: &[u8]) -> u32 {
crc32_seed(buf, 0)
/// Calculate crc32 checksum, using provided `seed` as the initial state, instead of the
/// default initial state of `0u32`.
/// # Examples
/// Calculating the checksum from several parts of a larger input:
/// ```
/// const BYTES: &[u8] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".as_bytes();
/// let mut cksum = 0u32;
/// cksum = const_crc32::crc32_seed(&BYTES[0..10], cksum);
/// cksum = const_crc32::crc32_seed(&BYTES[10..15], cksum);
/// cksum = const_crc32::crc32_seed(&BYTES[15..], cksum);
/// assert_eq!(cksum, const_crc32::crc32(BYTES));
/// ```
/// Using separate seeds for different kinds of data, to produce different checksums depending
/// on what kind of data the bytes represent:
/// ```
/// const THING_ONE_SEED: u32 = 0xbaaaaaad_u32;
/// const THING_TWO_SEED: u32 = 0x2bad2bad_u32;
/// let thing_one_bytes = "bump! thump!".as_bytes();
/// let thing_two_bytes = "thump! bump!".as_bytes();
/// let thing_one_cksum = const_crc32::crc32_seed(thing_one_bytes, THING_ONE_SEED);
/// let thing_two_cksum = const_crc32::crc32_seed(thing_two_bytes, THING_TWO_SEED);
/// assert_ne!(thing_one_cksum, thing_two_cksum);
/// ```
pub const fn crc32_seed(buf: &[u8], seed: u32) -> u32 {
let mut out = !seed;
let mut i = 0usize;
while i < buf.len() {
out = (out >> 8) ^ TABLE[((out & 0xff) ^ (buf[i] as u32)) as usize];
i += 1;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use rand::prelude::*;
fn crc32_compute_table() -> [u32; 256] {
let mut crc32_table = [0; 256];
for n in 0..256_u32 {
crc32_table[n as usize] = (0..8).fold(n, |acc, _| match acc & 1 {
1 => 0xedb88320 ^ (acc >> 1),
_ => acc >> 1,
fn check_table_fn_against_example_code() {
let table = crc32_compute_table();
for i in 0..256 {
assert_eq!(table[i], table_fn(i as u32));
fn simple_test() {
const BYTES: &[u8] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".as_bytes();
assert_eq!(crc32(BYTES), 0x414fa339_u32);
assert_eq!(crc32(BYTES), crc32fast::hash(BYTES));
fn use_seed_to_checksum_from_partial_inputs() {
const BYTES: &[u8] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".as_bytes();
let mut cksum = crc32(&BYTES[0..10]);
cksum = crc32_seed(&BYTES[10..], cksum);
assert_eq!(cksum, crc32(BYTES));
fn use_seed_to_checksum_from_many_chunks() {
let mut buf = [0u8; 1024];
let mut rng = thread_rng();
rng.fill(&mut buf[..]);
let mut cksum = 0;
for chunk in buf[..].chunks(7) {
cksum = crc32_seed(chunk, cksum);
assert_eq!(cksum, crc32(&buf[..]));
fn check_random_inputs_against_crc32_fast() {
const N_ITER: usize = 100;
const BUFSIZE: usize = 4096;
let mut buf = [0u8; BUFSIZE];
let mut rng = thread_rng();
for _ in 0..N_ITER {
rng.fill(&mut buf[..]);
assert_eq!(crc32(&buf[..]), crc32fast::hash(&buf[..]));
fn check_const_eval_limit_not_reached_on_100k_data() {
const BYTES: &[u8] = &[42u8; 1024 * 100];
const CKSUM: u32 = crc32(BYTES);
assert_eq!(CKSUM, crc32fast::hash(&BYTES[..]));
// #[test]
// fn check_const_eval_limit_not_reached_on_1mb_data() {
// const BYTES: &[u8] = &[42u8; 1024 * 1024];
// const CKSUM: u32 = crc32(BYTES);
// assert_eq!(CKSUM, crc32fast::hash(&BYTES[..]));
// }