A command-line tool for crate registry backup/export https://shipyard.rs
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

125 lines
4.1 KiB

## Imports
import os
import sys
import git
import io
from pathlib import Path
import json
import pandas as pd
## Module Constants
DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
EMPTY_TREE_SHA = "4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"
def versions(path, branch='master'):
This function returns a generator which iterates through all commits of
the repository located in the given path for the given branch. It yields
file diff information to show a timeseries of file changes.
# Create the repository, raises an error if it isn't one.
repo = git.Repo(path)
# Iterate through every commit for the given branch in the repository
for commit in repo.iter_commits(branch):
# Determine the parent of the commit to diff against.
# If no parent, this is the first commit, so use empty tree.
# Then create a mapping of path to diff for each file changed.
parent = commit.parents[0] if commit.parents else EMPTY_TREE_SHA
diffs = {
diff.a_path: diff for diff in commit.diff(parent)
# The stats on the commit is a summary of all the changes for this
# commit, we'll iterate through it to get the information we need.
for objpath, stats in commit.stats.files.items():
# Select the diff for the path in the stats
diff = diffs.get(objpath)
# If the path is not in the dictionary, it's because it was
# renamed, so search through the b_paths for the current name.
if not diff:
for diff in diffs.values():
if diff.b_path == path and diff.renamed:
p = Path(objpath)
if len(p.parts) != 3:
print(f'skipping path: wrong depth ({p.parts})', file=sys.stderr)
obj = commit.tree / objpath
with io.BytesIO(obj.data_stream.read()) as f:
lastline = list(f.readlines())[-1].decode('utf-8')
except Exception as e:
print(f'failed to load file at commit {commit}', file=sys.stderr)
lastline = lastline.strip()
d = json.loads(lastline)
except Exception as e:
print(f'failed to parse json at commit {commit}: {e}', file=sys.stderr)
row = {
'path': os.path.join(path, objpath),
'commit': commit.hexsha,
'author': commit.author.email,
'time': commit.authored_datetime.strftime(DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
#'size': diff_size(diff),
#'type': diff_type(diff),
'crate_name': d['name'],
'version': d['vers'],
#'json': lastline,
# Update the stats with the additional information
# stats.update(row)
# yield stats
yield row
#def diff_size(diff):
# """
# Computes the size of the diff by comparing the size of the blobs.
# """
# if diff.b_blob is None and diff.deleted_file:
# # This is a deletion, so return negative the size of the original.
# return diff.a_blob.size * -1
# if diff.a_blob is None and diff.new_file:
# # This is a new file, so return the size of the new value.
# return diff.b_blob.size
# # Otherwise just return the size a-b
# return diff.a_blob.size - diff.b_blob.size
#def diff_type(diff):
# """
# Determines the type of the diff by looking at the diff flags.
# """
# if diff.renamed: return 'R'
# if diff.deleted_file: return 'D'
# if diff.new_file: return 'A'
# return 'M'
def main(path):
df = pd.DataFrame(versions(path))
1 year ago
df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time'], utc=True)
# df['unix_nanos'] = df['time'].astype('int')
df = df.sort_values(by='time').groupby(['crate_name', 'version']).last().reset_index()
buf = io.StringIO()
df.to_csv(buf, index=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = sys.argv[1]