# load any variables in .env 
set dotenv-load := true

# version of rustc used for cargo commands
rustc-version := "nightly"

# name of crate registry to publish versions of this tool to
publish-registry := "shipyard-rs-public"

# env settings exported for cargo settings
export RUSTFLAGS := "-C link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld -C target-cpu=native"

# cargo wrapper; executes a cargo command using the settings in justfile (RUSTFLAGS, etc.)
cargo +args='':
    cargo +{{rustc-version}} {{args}}

# cargo check wrapper
check +args='':
    @just cargo check {{args}}

# cargo test wrapper
test +args='':
    just cargo test {{args}}

# cargo build wrapper - builds registry-backup in debug mode
debug-build +args='':
    @just cargo build --bin registry-backup {{args}}

# cargo build --release wrapper - builds registry-backup in release mode
release-build +args='':
    @just cargo build --bin registry-backup --release {{args}}

# generate updated README.md
    just debug-build
    ./target/debug/registry-backup --help > doc/cli-menu.txt
    just --list > doc/just-commands.txt
    just cargo run --bin generate-readme --features docs > README.md

# check, run tests, check non-error output for clippy, run rustfmt
    just cargo check \
        && just cargo test \
        && just cargo clippy \
        && just cargo fmt

# verify no uncommitted changes
    test "$(echo `git status --porcelain` | wc -c)" -eq "1"

    cat Cargo.toml | rg '^version =' | tr -d "version = " | tr -d '"'

    just verify-clean-git
    just pre-release
    VERSION=$(just get-crate-version) \
        && test -z "$(git tag | rg \"v${VERSION}\")" # Error: tag appears to exist already
    just generate-readme

release: release-prep
    just verify-clean-git || ( git add README.md doc/*.txt && git commit -m 'update docs' )
    git tag "v$(just get-crate-version)"
    git push && git push --tags